black chihuahua hold by a man's arm with a watch

Does my dog have a sense of time?

With the change of our routine thanks to the change of time, a client of our Canidelite center in Toulouse, asked me if his dog had the notion of time! This is an interesting question, which often comes up again and again! And this question falls well, since the studies of his last years, prove that a dog has the notion of time! And yes, Rex and Jack can find out if you take longer than usual to serve them their meal or if you come home later from work! Most masters had already experienced it, but nothing really proved it scientifically, because few studies had been interested in it! Come on, let’s untangle all this! What study? This study, which follows many others in parallel, was conducted by Northwestern University. She was able to uncover clear evidence about the ability of animals, including dogs, to conceive of the passing of time. Capacity that has long been believed to be valid only for human beings. It was by examining the medial entorhinal cortex of the brain (where there is an extensive network of memory, navigation and time perception) that the researchers discovered a previously unknown set of neurons. This set […]

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small brown-gray dog lying on the grass and listening to its trainer

The 3 secrets of positive education for our dogs

Education is not intuitive for everyone. It is not linear either. However, when it comes to animal-friendly education, there are basics to know. Would you like to know the 3 secrets of positive education? These rules will make a difference. 1 Be in a good mood! And yes, the first rule when talking about positive education is to be in a good emotion, a good state of mind. Dogs are real emotional sponges. They perceive our moods without difficulty, and that influences their behaviour, one way or another. Remember that teacher who was under the blow of his bad mood putting you under stress! Remember the state of mind you were in! Did that make you learn faster? I don’t think so. I’m not saying you weren’t learning, but it made it stressful and therefore less easy. Another example. You’re in a maze with a friend. At the beginning of the game, you are both in a good mood. And then he gets a not-so-friendly phone call from his boss. The mood is changing. Your friend is more nervous, you will naturally be a little more nervous evenly. You’re modeling yourself on him. Now, if every time you make the decision of […]

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dog playing with a water hose in a backyard

Summer games with your dog

Ah summer is here! It’s sunny, but it’s hot! You can’t always take your dog out with this heat. So how do you keep it busy during the day? Do you know of any activities he can do that will be as refreshing? Doesn’t your dog like water? Or does he like it very much? Want some fun? Why don’t we refresh your ideas for this summer? Here we go. Why occupy your dog? It is important to continue to keep your dog busy, even in the summer. The whole thing is to do it the right way, to avoid a hot shot. Occupying your dog helps to meet your needs. Whether you occupy it physically, mentally or both, your dog will be happy! Like us humans, a dog needs to look after itself. Whether your dog is a chihuahua or an Irish setter, your dog needs to fill his day. Occupying your dog allows you to have a balanced dog. And if this occupation is an activity he shares with you, it will strengthen your bond. It is your duty as protector of your dog, to check that he is not bored. Be aware that a bored dog will develop behavioral disorders that […]

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brown white dog standing up and looking through a window

Leaving your dog alone at home

You may be, like many people, little available during the day for your dog. Your days may be full! But not your dog’s! And yes, Jack is waiting for you all day! Maybe he even makes you some nonsense to keep busy. What if you could change that? What if your dog’s day ends up fuller? Do you want any clues? Read this article! 1 Teach him to be alone Of course, your dog must learn to be alone. It is not natural for him to be alone, since it is a source of stress, boredom, even danger. An extra canine companion, is not always a solution, since they can get bored with two. So here are the main steps to teach your dog to stay alone. -Don’t ritualize your departures. So change the obvious signs of your departures and trivialize them. Also, make a “false start.” Grab your car keys, put on your coat and sit on your couch to watch TV. Or without warning, without putting on your shoes, get out of your house! The goal is to trivialize his rituals, break them so that they no longer cause stress for your dog. You can also ignore your […]

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stafford dog lying under the table

My dog doesn’t like to go to strangers

Your dog doesn’t like to go to strangers! This is something that really hurts you, because your dog doesn’t really seem to like contacts! Shouldn’t he like petting like any “good dog”? Is there a problem with him? And above all, how can we help him to love strangers? The sociable animal dog The sociable nature of the good family dog is often highlighted when talking about a balanced dog. It is said that an animal is sociable when it can organize itself socially with several individuals. In addition, the dog must be able to: organize in a group of individuals in a sustainable way that he can communicate without any problems and that it can also collaborate with individuals without seeking conflict It is therefore often natural to think and wait for the family dog to be sociable with everyone. It’s more complicated than that! Ideas The dog is not a caressing dispensary. Yes, he has the right to be introverted, or not to like to receive caresses or solicitations from other humans. In fact, he doesn’t even have to love making contact with his master. Every dog is different, but it is true that most dogs do not […]

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